1. No Spamming
Spamming includes:
- Making Irrelevant posts that don't add to the thread's topic.
- Posting advertisements without permission.
- Unsolicited advertisements via Pms to other members.
- Starting Duplicate threads or replies in multiple sub-forums/threads.
2: Signatures:.
links to inappropriate websites, such as pornography, gambling sites are not allowed.
3:No swearing:.
No swearing allowed in the forums, even censored swearing is not allowed as the intention remains the same, Please be considerate to the children that could linger on here.
4:NO flaming
personal attacks such as flaming, instigating "flame bait", verbal abuse or mocking members in forum posts not tolerated.
5:No trolling
A troll is someone who intentionally posts derogratory or otherwise inflammatory messages about sensitive topics to bait others into responding.
6:No Hate Threads
Threads with titles such as "I hate naruto!!!!" are pointless and only serve as hubs of negativity. These type of threads will be closed and deleted on sight. If you must express your opinion like this, creating a discussion thread on points of why you dislike (not hate) him so much would be much better.
7:Do Not Give Out Your Password
Do not give out your password to anyone else. The administrators and moderators of the forum will never ask for your password. We are not responsible if you lose access to your account as a result.
No Religious, Gambling, Racist, and Adult/Sexual Topics
Threads on such topics will be closed or deleted on sight.
Rules Can Change
The moderating team reserves the right to change or alter these rules at any time and the team's words are final.